Eminem - Lose Yourself

8 miles is a amazing movie, Eminem did? a great job, people say hes the best white rapper but hes not just a rapper he raps issues that? i find not really even rap but hes awesome in bother ethnicity. come and join us to watch this amazing video.

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Use the preservative for your own sake

The preservative must be used when you are not sure of knowing at 100% the other person. or when you want to take care of your own person at 100%, or in the 100% of all your encounters, well I do not know but the video animation is very good and the message is that worth to take care. recommended discretion and open mentality to watch this video.

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Pixels (by Patrick Jean) - excellent!

New York invasion by 8-bits creatures !
PIXELS is Patrick Jean’ latest short film, shot on location in New York.

Written, directed by : Patrick Jean
Director of Photography : Matias Boucard

our worst nightmare, Nintendo is taking the world… oh no sorry my bad Nintendo already? took the world

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Centro de Inteligencia de la policia Federal

We are proud to present the Muppet’s interpreting bohemian Rhapsody from Queen

who can imagine the Muppet’s interpreting the bohemian rhapsody from Queen, this excellent video rehearsal a great version and they way they are interpreting this special song.

This original video with great quality bring us this question; are the Moppets back again? the truth is that this is a very good welcome back, do not you agree?Continue Reading

Vídeos de YouTube en Español

Bienvenido a León Times en esta Pagina publicamos las mejores selecciones de los vídeos de Youtube en español así como de algunos otros lugares en Internet en diferentes categorías de temas en general y para todo tipo de audiencia como:

Entretenimiento Música Noticias
Deportes Cine Infantil
Educación Noticias del Entretenimiento Mundo Animal

¡No pierdas el tiempo buscando buenos vídeos! nosotros los tenemos

¡Esperamos lo disfrutes!

Como este vídeo y de varios mas encontraras en nuestra sección de vídeo en español.Continue Reading